(MS WDK >> Windows Driver Kit 7.1.0 (WDK 7600.16385.1))

10 signed int / unsigned int
0x0000000A heximal value
0xA heximal value
Not an error
C/C++ Type
Defined at
\inc\api\compstui.h, line 2298 (Windows Driver Kit 7.1.0 (WDK 7600.16385.1))
#define CPSFUNC_GET_HPSUIPAGES              10
Group comments
COMPROPSHEETUI data structure is used when calling common UI to display dialog
box of properties pages.

Size                - Must be sizeof (COMPROPSHEETUI)

Flags               - can be one or more of following


Specified the any valid pOptItem items are
changeable by the user.


If this flag is set then IconID DWORD field is
treated as a handle to the icon rather then the
resource ID


If this flag bit is set, then when user hit
'About...' button in the treeview tab, it will
call the callback function with a reason of
CPSUICB_REASON_ABOUT, and callback MUST handle
the about which pop-up dialog box to show user
the information about the caller and OPTITEMs.

If this bit is not set then common UI will call
the ShellAbout() with formatted caller Name and
pOptItemName with version numbers.

hInstCaller         - the caller's handle to its instance.  Commom UI use
this handle to load caller's icon and other resources.

pCallerName         - Pointer to the caller's NULL terminated caller's
name, most time this is driver's name,
such as 'Postscript Driver'

UserData            - a 32-bit number used by the caller and common UI will
not modify it.  this 32-bit number is passed back to
the caller durning the callback function

pHelpFile           - specified a standard microsoft help file (path/file)
for using in the common UI.  in OPTITEM specified
HelpIndex for help in each item.

pfnCallBack         - Pointer to _CPSUICALLBACK callback function.  Common
UI only callback to the caller if an OPTIF_CALLBACK
is set OPTITEM data structure's flag fields and the
item selection is changed by the user.

pOptItem            - Pointer to array of OPTITEM structure to be displayed
by the common UI

pDlgPage            - Pointer to array of DLGPAGE structure to describe
each property sheet page infomation, the following
are the standard common ui DLGPAGEs.  When specified
CPSUI_PDLGPAGE_xxxx, the common UI will automatically
modify DlgPageIdx field in the OPTITEM, caller must
set the iStartPage correctly.


specified this a common ui standard document
property sheets. This includes two property
sheets, 1) Page Setup 2) Advance (TreeView)


Specified this is a treeview page only UI
provided by the common UI, this only has one
treeview page with tab of 'Advance'


Specified this is a common UI standard printer
property sheet.  This only has one treeview
page with tab of 'Device Options'


Specified this is a treeview page only UI
provided by the common UI, this only has one
treeview page

cOptItem            - Count of OPTITEM pointed by the pOptItem above

cDlgPage            - Count of DLGPAGE pointed by the pDlgPage.  If
pDlgPage is one of the CPSUI_PDLGPAGE_xxxx then this
field is ignored by the common UI.

IconID              - This is the icon identifier, which can be a common
strandard IDI_CPSUI_xxx icon ID, caller's own icon
resource ID, or a handle to the caller defined icon
if CPSUIF_ICONID_AS_HICON flag is set, in any case
if the IconID is zero then it indicated no icon.

pOptItemName        - Pointer to the pOptItem data NULL terminated name,
most time this is device name, such as 'HP 4si'

CallerVersion       - Version for the caller, the HIBYTE(CallerVersion) is
the major version, and LOBYTE(CallerVersion) is the
minor version, such as 0x310 display as 3.16, 0x3ff
display as 3.255 and 0x30a display as 3.10

OptItemVersion      - Version for the OPTITEM's data, the
HIBYTE(OptItemVersion) is the major version, and
LOBYTE(OptItemVersion) is the minor version, such as
0x310 display as 3.16, 0x3ff display as 3.255 and
0x30a display as 3.10.

dwReserved[4]       - reserved fields, must be 0

** pTitlee and TitleBarIcon only used if CommonPrinterPropSheetUI()
is the last one the Property sheet UI chain and call the PropertySheet()
Also used in
Windows Driver Kit 7.0.0 (WDK 7600.16385.0), Windows Driver Kit – Server 2008 Release SP1 (WDK 6001.18002), Windows Driver Kit for Windows Vista (WDK 6000), Windows XP SP1 Driver Development Kit (DDK 2600.1106), Windows 2000 DDK (DDK 2195.1), Windows NT DDK for Windows NT Workstation 4.0 (DDK NT 4.0)