(MS WDK >> Windows Driver Kit 7.1.0 (WDK 7600.16385.1))

-2147469114 signed int
2147498182 unsigned int
0x800038C6 heximal value
Windows Lanman Server Events (more)
DFS Root %1 failed during initialization. The root will not be available.
C/C++ Type
Defined at
\inc\api\netevent.h, line 6399 (Windows Driver Kit 7.1.0 (WDK 7600.16385.1))
#define DFS_ERROR_ON_ROOT                0x800038C6L
Line comments


DFS Root %1 failed during initialization. The root will not be available.
Also used in
Windows Driver Kit 8.1 (WDK 8.100.26638), Windows Driver Kit 7.0.0 (WDK 7600.16385.0), Windows Driver Kit – Server 2008 Release SP1 (WDK 6001.18002), Windows Driver Kit for Windows Vista (WDK 6000)
Type description
Lanman Server Events (2000 - 2999)
    2000-2499 are generated by the server driver (kernel mode)
    2500-2999 are generated by the server service (user mode)

Server driver events, issued from kernel mode. 

 Values are 32 bit values laid out as follows:

  3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
  1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
 |Sev|C|R|     Facility          |               Code            |


     Sev - is the severity code

         00 - Success
         01 - Informational
         10 - Warning
         11 - Error

     C - is the Customer code flag

     R - is a reserved bit

     Facility - is the facility code

     Code - is the facility's status code
MUI descriptions
DA DFS-roden %1 kunne ikke initialiseres. Roden vil ikke være tilgængelig.
SV Fel uppstod när DFS-roten %1 initierades. Roten kommer inte att vara tillgänglig.
EL Αποτυχία ρίζας DFS %1 κατά την προετοιμασία. Η ρίζα δεν θα είναι διαθέσιμη.
RU Сбой объекта "Корень DFS" %1 при инициализации. Корень не будет доступен.
PT A raiz de DFS %1 falhou durante a inicialização. A raiz não estará disponível.
KO DFS 루트 %1을(를) 초기화하지 못했습니다. 루트를 사용할 수 없습니다.
FI DFS-pääkansion %1 alustaminen epäonnistui. Pääkansio ei ole käytettävissä.
ZH DFS 根 %1 在初始時失敗。根將無法使用。
FR Échec de la racine DFS %1 pendant l’initialisation. La racine ne sera pas disponible.
HU Nem sikerült a DFS gyökerét (%1) inicializálni, ezért azt nem lehet elérni.
NL DFS-toegangspunt %1 kan niet worden geïnitialiseerd. Het toegangspunt is niet toegankelijk.
JA DFS Root %1 は初期化中に失敗しました。ルートを利用することはできません。
TR %1 DFS Kökü başlatma sırasında başarısız oldu. Kök kullanılamayacak.
NB DFS-rot %1 mislyktes under initialiseringen. Roten vil ikke være tilgjengelig.
DE DFS-Stamm "%1" ist während der Initialisierung fehlgeschlagen. Der Stamm wird nicht verfügbar sein.
IT Errore nella directory radice DFS %1 durante l'inizializzazione. La directory radice non sarà disponibile.
PL Inicjacja katalogu głównego rozproszonego systemu plików (DFS) %1 nie powiodła się. Katalog główny będzie niedostępny.
ES Error en la raíz DFS %1 durante la inicialización. La raíz no estará disponible.
CS V kořenovém adresáři jednotky DFS %1 došlo při inicializaci k chybě. Kořenový adresář nebude k dispozici.