(MS WDK >> Windows 2000 DDK (DDK 2195.1))

1171 signed int / unsigned int
0x00000493 heximal value
0x493 heximal value
2147943571 HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(code) / unsigned int
-2147023725 HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(code) / signed int
0x80070493 HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(code) / heximal value
Windows user mode error code
The point passed to GetMouseMovePoints is not in the buffer.
C/C++ Type
Defined at
\inc\WINERROR.H, line 2898 (Windows 2000 DDK (DDK 2195.1))
#define ERROR_POINT_NOT_FOUND            1171L
Line comments


The point passed to GetMouseMovePoints is not in the buffer.
Also used in
Windows Driver Kit 7.1.0 (WDK 7600.16385.1), Windows Driver Kit 7.0.0 (WDK 7600.16385.0), Windows Driver Kit – Server 2008 Release SP1 (WDK 6001.18002), Windows Driver Kit for Windows Vista (WDK 6000)
MUI descriptions
TR GetMouseMovePoints'e geçilen nokta arabellekte değil.
HU A GetMouseMovePoints hívásnak átadott pont nincs a pufferben.
NB Punktet som ble sendt til GetMouseMovePoints, er ikke i bufferen.
PT O ponto transmitido ao GetMouseMovePoints não está na memória intermédia.
IT Impossibile trovare nel buffer il punto inviato a GetMouseMovePoints.
FI GetMouseMovePoints-funktiolle välitetty piste ei ole puskurissa.
ES El punto pasado a GetMouseMovePoints no está en el búfer.
CS Bod předaný funkci GetMouseMovePoints není ve vyrovnávací paměti.
DA Det punkt, der blev sendt til GetMouseMovePoints, findes ikke i bufferen.
KO GetMouseMovePoints에 전달된 포인트가 버퍼에 없습니다.
PL Punkt przekazany do instrukcji GetMouseMovePoints nie znajduje się w buforze.
NL De point die is doorgegeven aan GetMouseMovePoints bevindt zich niet in de buffer.
EL Το σημείο που εκχωρήθηκε στη συνάρτηση GetMouseMovePoints δεν υπάρχει στο buffer.
DE Der Punkt, der GetMouseMovePoints übergeben wurde, ist nicht im Puffer.
FR Le point passé à GetMouseMovePoints n’est pas dans la mémoire tampon.
JA GetMouseMovePoints に引き渡されたポイントがバッファーにありません。
ZH 传递到 GetMouseMovePoints 的点不在缓冲区中。
SV Punkten som skickades till GetMouseMovePoints finns inte i bufferten.
RU Переданная в GetMouseMovePoints точка не находится в буфере.