(MS WDK >> Windows 2000 DDK (DDK 2195.1))

-1073733321 signed int
3221233975 unsigned int
0xC0002137 heximal value
Windows Lanman Server Events (more)
Setting broadcast option on socket failed. The Sap Agent cannot continue.
C/C++ Type
Defined at
\inc\netevent.h, line 2515 (Windows 2000 DDK (DDK 2195.1))
Line comments


Setting broadcast option on socket failed.  The Sap Agent cannot continue.
Also used in
Windows Driver Kit 8.1 (WDK 8.100.26638), Windows Driver Kit 7.1.0 (WDK 7600.16385.1), Windows Driver Kit 7.0.0 (WDK 7600.16385.0), Windows Driver Kit – Server 2008 Release SP1 (WDK 6001.18002), Windows Driver Kit for Windows Vista (WDK 6000), Windows XP SP1 Driver Development Kit (DDK 2600.1106)
Type description
Lanman Server Events (2000 - 2999)
    2000-2499 are generated by the server driver (kernel mode)
    2500-2999 are generated by the server service (user mode)

Server driver events, issued from kernel mode. 

 Values are 32 bit values laid out as follows:

  3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
  1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
 |Sev|C|R|     Facility          |               Code            |


     Sev - is the severity code

         00 - Success
         01 - Informational
         10 - Warning
         11 - Error

     C - is the Customer code flag

     R - is a reserved bit

     Facility - is the facility code

     Code - is the facility's status code
MUI descriptions
DA Angivelse af Broadcast-indstillingen mislykkedes. Sap Agent kan ikke fortsætte.
SV Valt broadcast-alternativ till socket misslyckades. SapAgent kan inte fortsätta.
EL Ο ορισμός της επιλογής εκπομπής στην υποδοχή απέτυχε. Ο παράγοντας Sap δεν είναι δυνατό να συνεχίσει.
RU Сбой при установке параметра широковещательной рассылки для сокета. Агент SAP не может продолжать работу.
PT A definição da opção de difusão no socket falhou. O agente Sap não pode prosseguir.
KO 소켓에 브로드캐스트 옵션을 설정하지 못했습니다. Sap 에이전트를 계속할 수 없습니다.
FI Vastakkeen yleislähetysasetuksen muuttaminen epäonnistui. SAP-agentti ei voi jatkaa.
ZH 無法在 socket 上設定廣播選項。Sap 代理程式無法繼續。
FR L’installation de l’option émission par socket a échoué. L’agent SAP ne peut pas continuer.
HU Nem sikerült beállítani a szórást a szoftvercsatornán. Az SAP-ügynök nem tud tovább működni.
NL Instellen van broadcastoptie op socket is niet gelukt. SAP Agent kan niet worden voortgezet.
JA ソケットのブロードキャスト オプションの設定に失敗しました。SAP エージェントは続行できません。
TR Yuvanın yayın seçeneğini kurma başarısız oldu. Sap Aracısı devam edemiyor.
NB Mislykket innstilling av alternativet kringkasting på socket. Sap Agent kan ikke fortsette.
DE Das Einstellen der Option "Broadcast" des Sockets ist fehlgeschlagen. Der SAP-Agent kann nicht fortsetzen.
IT Impostazione dell'opzione broadcast sul socket non riuscita. L'agente Sap non può continuare.
PL Ustawienie opcji emisji dla gniazda nie powiodło się. Agent Sap nie może kontynuować działania.
ES Error en el establecimiento de la opción de difusión en un socket. El agente de SAP no puede continuar.
CS Nastavení možnosti vysílání na soketu se nezdařilo. Agent SAP nemůže pokračovat.